Prunes Market Update March 2022 Week 10

Prune crops all across the world have seen an increase of up to 20%. This is due to the rise in production estimated in the US, Chile, Serbia, and Australia. 

USA's production is estimated to reach more than 28% of last year, that is 68,000 mt. Chile is expected to see remarkable numbers compared to the previous year at 65,000 mt. This will be an 85% increase from 20/21 year. Though rain is still a factor, the weather looks hopeful. It is important to note that while this is a significant increase from last year in Chile, they did perform below standard in the 2020/21 year. 

It is vital to note that the demand for prunes has kept the market immensely varied. Additionally, the current supply chain and logistic issues faced all around the nut and dried fruit industry appear to be more severe than before. This may have an adverse effect on the price. 

While global prune crop production has increased, France has seen a significant decrease in production. It is estimated that there will be more than a 57% decrease in their numbers. The reasons are being speculated, though we'll let you know as soon as the picture clears up. 

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