Raisin Market Update November 2021

Weather conditions have been quite favorable during the growing season with little pest infection. These factors contributed to very good quality in crops with good color and less mold. However, it is worth noting that the size of the raisins was smaller than last year due to high temperatures.

Harvest Volume

For this season, green raisins make up around 70% of the total production with Sultanas making up the remaining 30%. 

Market Conditions

As expected at this time in the year, large quantities of Sultanas are being shipped to Europe while green raisins are being shipped to the middle east and used domestically in China. Market prices have increased due to external factors such as an increase in gas prices, freight rates and the general shipping issues due to the pandemic.

However, compared to other crops, it must be noted that the raisin market is doing quite well.

Guest UserWeek 46, Raisins